Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol (LGD-4033) SARMS



Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is a potent muscle-building compound also known as LGD-4033. This SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) is a powerful bulking agent for increasing muscle mass, size, and strength to reach new levels in your training. When supported with the correct diet, users of Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol will gain a significant amount of muscle and explosive power.

  • LGD-4033 – 5mg x 60 Capsules
  • Very potent SARM targeting lean muscle growth
  • Enhances endurance and stamina
  • Enhanced vascularity and fullness
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Rapid gains in strength
  • Improves recovery allowing greater training volume
  • Ideal for bulking as well as cutting or body-recomposition
  • Prevents muscle catabolism even if in a caloric deficit


  • Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) created to increase lean muscle mass and help break strength plateaus for the ultimate body recomposition tool. A SARM is designed to have a similar effect on the body as anabolic steroids but targets the skeletal muscle tissue selectively.
  • Ligandrol targets anabolic pathways in the body and has been shown in human clinical trials to increase muscle mass and leg strength. Aside from this study, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from bodybuilders who use LGD-4033 to boost muscle mass and density, as well as significantly improving training performance.
  • If you’re wanting to gain lean muscle mass and experience increases in strength then Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is a supplement not to look past. The main active ingredient LGD-4033 is very similar to the popular SARM Ostarine but 12 times more powerful and only a third of the dose.
  • Like anabolic steroids, there are certain compounds that work better for different physique goals. Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is best used when looking to bulk with lean mass and assisted with a high-calorie diet for the best gains.
  • SARMs offer a halfway point between natural muscle builders and testosterone boosters on the one hand and prohormones on the other. We would advise anyone supplementing with SARMs to run a thorough post cycle therapy as you would with a prohormone cycle.


  • Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is best used when looking to add quality muscle and improve your strength in the gym. It’s ideal for when on a bulking cycle and should be supported with the correct diet.
  • Designed for healthy male athletes, we recommend only experienced trainers use Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol and only men over the age of 21 who feel they need something stronger than a natural anabolic.
  • Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol is suppressive to the HPTA so, a FULL post cycle therapy is recommended.
  • LGD has a half-life ranging between 24 and 36 hours, therefore, one daily dose is optimal.
  • Bodybuilders use Ligandrol for bulking cycles, cutting cycles, and for body recomposition (lean gains) periods of training. LGD4033 can be used by itself but it can also be stacked with other SARMs or different types of compounds. Common SARMs stacks include Ligandrol with Cardarine, Testolone (for strength and muscle gain), or Ostarine (for fat loss or body recomp). Check out Mutagenic Labz Symbiote capsules if you want a reliable blend of Ostarine MK-2866 and Ligandrol LGD-4033.



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Enhanced Athlete Ligandrol (LGD-4033) SARMS
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